Turmeric: why is good for your health?


Turmeric is an Indian spice, used for over 2500 years as a natural medicine for the benefits of its active ingredient: curcumin. Its characteristics make it a particularly healthy substance thanks to the effects it can offer to our body.

Curcuma is, in fact, able to maintain blood sugar and low insulin while its active ingredient is particularly suitable for:

  • Reduce the inflammatory state induced by hyperglycemia;
  • Modulate cystic fibrosis defects;
  • Lower cholesterol;
  • Combat the onset of diabetes with diabetes, cancer and multiple sclerosis (Anticancer Res. 2015 Feb; 35 (2): 645-51. Review.);
  • Block human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Why use Turmeric?

As in nutrition, we make a distinction between good fats (such as olive oil) and less good fats (animal fats), so inside our body, there is dark (good) and white (bad) fat, whose proportion, determines our general state of health. The dark fat molecules have high density and transform the energy of food into heat while the white fat cells conserve energy for later use in fat cells.

Obviously, among the obese, most of the fat cells are of the white type. Reducing its flow, mainly in the abdominal area, is not only an aesthetic factor but also of health because the white fat on the abdomen is related to a greater risk of heart attacks.

The existence of two different types of fat and the lack of the dark one in those suffering from obesity, has led to the hypothesis that acting on the increase of dark fat cells, could represent a new way of fighting the disease. This is why we thought of turmeric. Scientific studies show that turmeric is able to increase dark fat cells through four mechanisms:

  • Improving the expression of dark fat genes. This is the “epigenetic modification”, and occurs when a nutrient alters the models of a cell “from the outside”;
  • Stimulating the production of new mitochondria, which improve muscle quality;
  • Increasing the degradation processes of white fats;
  • Improving metabolic homeostasis which, among the obese, is unbalanced

In addition to this, being curcumin an anti-inflammatory, it improves the general inflammation state typical of those suffering from obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. In fact, curcumin induces the death of white adipose cells. Its beneficial effects have been highlighted in over 700 scientific studies that have analyzed its potential in the prevention of Tumors, Arthritis, Allergies, Atherosclerosis, Diabetes, Neurodegenerative Diseases (Parkinson, Alzheimer, etc.) metabolic syndrome, Obesity, endothelial dysfunction, hyperuricemia, as well as a hypoglycemic power.

ALSO READ: 10 health benefits of curcumin and turmeric

Why Curcuma and Black Pepper

Learning to use daily turmeric and other spices beneficial for the preparation of our dishes is certainly the first step towards a healthy and proper nutrition. This is also the reason why we added to our pasta a type of Curcuma particularly rich in its active ingredient to ensure a supply of 2g of Turmeric for every 100g of pasta.

In addition, the addition of organic black pepper, whose active ingredient is piperine, enhances the effect of turmeric by increasing up to 1000 times the absorption of its active ingredients.

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